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In 2014, more than 300 innovative brick architectures from all over the worlds were proposed by critics and included in the pool of submissions – a proof of the renown and quality of this Award.
The great variety of brick applications feasible today is demonstrated by all the 50 projects, which have made it onto the shortlist.
The “Wienerberger Brick Award”, currently endowed with 32,000 Euros, was awarded in five categories – and the winners are:
Winner of the category “Residential Use”: John Lin/University of Hong Kong for A House for All Seasons
Winner of the category “Public Use”: LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei GmbH & Co.KG for the Ravensburg Art Museum
Winner of the category “Urban Infill”: Architects Sol89 from Spain for Cooking School in Ancient Slaughterhouse
Grand Prize and Category Winner “Special Solution”: Boonserm Premthada / Bangkok Project Studio for Kantana Film and Animation Institute
Additionally, Wienerberger awards two special prizes for projects where Wienerberger bricks and clay blocks were applied in an architecturally remarkable way.
Special Prize Winner: Rusan arhitektura for Lumenart – House of Light