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American Iron is a body of work ranging from 2011-13 that constructs a visual language for the singular American expression of inventiveness, expanse, and ultimate collapse.
Our culture celebrates the triumph of engineering and production in all its muscular, aggressive glory, yet it is inevitably followed by passive neglect.
By way of Giobbi’s unique vernacular and vision, the consequence of transportation is the prime impetus of discussion. Addressed via his signature photo collage works as well as the most extensive survey of his sculptural work to date, this exhibition will feature three new mobiles constructed out of thousands of Matchbox and Hot Wheels toy cars. The cars are then formed around an armature into Möbius strips, representative of the commonplace traffic rat race we are forced to participate in with our automobiles.
The Möbius sculptures may be easily interpreted as glossy, high chroma eye-candy, but are instead attempts to reconcile a brand of cheery American optimism with the often monotonous, repetitive journey of American life. Though a daily ritual, rarely do we meditate on the real significance of moving from enclosed structure to enclosed structure, using the vehicle to make a fleeting pass at nature (and in spite of it; global warming, air and noise pollution, disruption of wildlife habitats, road rage, etc.). As a geometric anomaly, the Möbius strip then represents a non-orientable netherworld of existence – the notion of perpetually returning to origin – or as most would prefer, staying at the start to begin with to avoid the rigors of the commute.
American Iron is a body of work ranging from 2011-13 that constructs a visual language for the singular American expression of inventiveness, expanse, and ultimate collapse. Our culture celebrates the triumph of engineering and production in all its muscular, aggressive glory, yet it is inevitably followed by passive neglect.
By way of Giobbi’s unique vernacular and vision, the consequence of transportation is the prime impetus of discussion. Addressed via his signature photo collage works as well as the most extensive survey of his sculptural work to date, this exhibition will feature three new mobiles constructed out of thousands of Matchbox and Hot Wheels toy cars. The cars are then formed around an armature into Möbius strips, representative of the commonplace traffic rat race we are forced to participate in with our automobiles.
The Möbius sculptures may be easily interpreted as glossy, high chroma eye-candy, but are instead attempts to reconcile a brand of cheery American optimism with the often monotonous, repetitive journey of American life. Though a daily ritual, rarely do we meditate on the real significance of moving from enclosed structure to enclosed structure, using the vehicle to make a fleeting pass at nature (and in spite of it; global warming, air and noise pollution, disruption of wildlife habitats, road rage, etc.). As a geometric anomaly, the Möbius strip then represents a non-orientable netherworld of existence – the notion of perpetually returning to origin – or as most would prefer, staying at the start to begin with to avoid the rigors of the commute.