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Over the past decade, Wolfson has established himself as one of the leading artists of his generation. Born in 1980 in New York, where he currently lives and works, the artist is part of a generation he describes as growing up “inundated by different textures of media”—advertising, the Internet, technology. Pulling freely from the contemporary mediascape, Wolfson produces ambitious, psychologically charged works in a wide range of media. Drawing from a myriad of sources, including personal, historical, social, and political, his works are characterized by a signature style that intuitively juxtaposes seemingly disparate elements that yield unexpected, powerful, and multilayered meanings. Instead of simply appropriating subject matter, the artist develops and creates his own unique content, which can be best exemplified by his animated Shylockian Jew, floating heart-filled condom, marching milk-laden Diet Coke bottles, pornographic lobster-claw sculptures, amongst others.
Wolfson’s recent critically acclaimed works—Con Leche (2009), Animation, masks (2011), and Raspberry Poser (2012)—explore the field of animation, blending autobiographical elements with references to popular culture and art history. While he has become best known for his innovative video works that combine computer-generated imagery with hand-drawn animation, the artist is expanding his practice with forthcoming multimedia projects, utilizing today’s most advanced and sophisticated technologies.
In 2003, Wolfson received his B.F.A. in sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design.
Wolfson’s work is currently presented in a solo show at the Chisenhale Gallery in London (through February 2, 2014). In April 2014, a selection of his video works will be shown at the McLellan Galleries in Glasgow as part of the 6th Glasgow International.