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There are some people that can put together this incredible mixture of talents. And Ropac is a curator that thinks about this issues and, to be honest, who wouldn’t be interested in seeing an exhibition of the American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe curated by Isabelle Hupert? It’s the gallery’s direction, since Cindy Sherman, David Hockney, Bob Wilson and Sofia Coppola curated exhibitions. In fact, it’s a personal approach to the photographer. The research is different, since their relationship to the artist is not the same. They worked with the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, based in New York. Huppert chose more than 100 works, among which Polaroids that were never published. Many of the selected works are powerful, famous nudes.
“I look at each Robert Mapplethorpe photo as if I were reading a poem. In the ones I have chosen, his way of seeing the world is pent with softness – and silence. They are silent photos. In that particular world that he made his own, everything is connected. He blurred the frontiers, merged the mobile and the immobile. His flowers are alive, almost human, and his bodies are frozen in their eternal beauty. Each photo is pure emotion. In each one of them there is a perfection of form, the delicacy and mystery of light and shade. Robert Mapplethorpe, the photographer poet.”
The exhibition in on view until the 26th October 2013 at Gallerie Thaddaeus Ropac in Salzburg.