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11 years, 10 months ago
Filled under: DOC, Music
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Photo Anders Sune Berg

I was about 14 when I met him. He was a 26 year old loudmouth, a reckless fellow who’s only activity was to speak out his mind, no matter the consequences. As a kid looking for role models and new ways of being different, I fell for it like the Americans for the 9/11 official explanations. On out first encounter he said: “Come on. Let’s go meet some people”. And we did. Each and everyone of those who shook his hand that day was visibly enchanted that the meeting took place. They were radiant. I was dazzled. Who’s this guy?




I became friends with a lot of his admirers and I started to learn about his work from them. Basically, I found out that he’s a some kind of poet. A street poet who writes with thousands of hands and recites on thousands of voices. A city slick who fears God, but who’s not afraid to go all the way for what he loves most in this world. A conjurer of social, political, life-inspired and funny messages to go with one of the main bonding elements of our world: music. He used to jump behind the turntables and drop those hot beats, then pick up the mic and light up the whole club with a clever rhyme. Then he was laying off the mic, uprock for a little while, then headspin on the glossy floor until one of us puked his breakfast out. Backpack on at night, a whole lot of cans and a way in the depo. Wholetrain masterpieces. He was sending a message and we were helping him.



We never talked about his background, he was acting pretty defensive. Some say he quit high school, others say he even went to college for an year or two. Personally, I find these details overrated. He might not be the most precise mathematician, but when he unveils the speech everything adds up. And this speech of his can be about anything, nothing or everything altogether. But no matter the topic, the plasticity of the exposure permits each individual to have his personalised view of things. I never fully agreed with him on some topics, but still I respect the way he documents his cases, so to speak.



We are grown men now. And here we are, those that followed his lead. Some of us saying what’s on our mind (the MC’s), others bringing the city back to life through colours (the graffiti artists), people riding the drums, shifting their bodies to the rhythm (the b-boys) or turning the wheels of steel and getting the party going (the DJ’s). Some things have changed within these 15 years, nowadays everybody knows him. He made a lot of money, but it’s common knowledge that success brings the ugly cousin, Hate, along with it. I don’t care, he’s the same when he’s around. He keeps telling me not to make more, but to be more. And I will be, I owe him that much, considering what he did for me… What? Sorry, I didn’t catch the question… What’s his name? Hip hop…


DOC is a Romanian Rap Singer. DOC is also a man with many stories to share….more,


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