INHALE is a cultural platform where artists are presented, where great projects are given credit and readers find inspiration. Think about Inhale as if it were a map: we can help you discover which are the must-see events all over the world, what is happening now in the artistic and cultural world as well as guide you through the latest designers’ products. Inhale interconnects domains that you are interested in, so that you will know all the events, places, galleries, studios that are a must-see. We have a 360 degree overview on art and culture and a passion to share.

There is an architecture of color. Did you know that? Emmanuelle Moureaux creates space using colors and dividing it through that. It’s a powerful statement and from the start it’s a sure thing that the public will react to such a project. This time, the expert created a space for the 2013 Shinjuku Creators Festa in Japan.
What is beautiful about this project is the fact that it reminds of Pantone colors, therefore is a common thing, but here it becomes the concept behind the project, thus making the public rethink the famous code. And who would have thought that so many colors at the same time wouldn’t create some sort of a “noise”? The colors create a very positive space, and the light put an accent on each color and on each degree. It’s a nice way of showing color in different degrees that blend so well together.