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Every time a theatre revealed that Robert Wilson was to direct a show in a city, it would create a stir. It was the case with Craiova (Romania) and Marin Sorescu National Theatre when it was publicly announced that Wilson would put on stage Eugene Ionesco’s play Rhinoceros.
Bob Wilson is probably one of the most famous stage directors. In the ’70s he started experimenting and creating his own path, which became clearer and clearer with the years. Now it’s enough to see the lights in a performance to be sure it is a performance directed by him. For those that already knew the theatre in Craiova, it was quite a blast to see the transformation that the performance brought in. The show looked as if you could freeze it frame after frame, and you got yourself some beautiful pictures: great balance colors, impressive details, stunning costumes and impactful characters.
When seeing a live performance of one of Wilson’s works you understand why every member of the team is important for the overall show. From actors, to machinists, if everybody works according to the stage director’s advice, the result is stunning.
Translated in Romanian by Vlad Russo și Vlad Zografi
Nathional Theatre “Marin Sorescu” Craiova
A Robert Wilson production
Bérenger Valentin Mihali
Daisy Iulia Bleonț
Jean Claudiu Bleonţ
Dudard Valer Dellakeza
The Grocer’s wife Tamara Popescu
The Grocer Angel Rababoc
The Old Gentleman Nicolae Poghirc
The Logician Ilie Gheorghe
The Housewife Raluca Păun
The Waitress Monica Ardeleanu
The cafe Proprietor George Albert Costea
Mr. Papillon Cosmin Rădescu
Botard Constantin Cicort
MRS. Boeuf Mirela Cioabă
A Fireman Dragoş Măceşanu
The Old Neighbours Iulia Colan, Ion Colan
Rhinoceros: Corina Druc, Geni Macsim, Natașa Raab, Costinela Ungureanu,
Clara Vulpe, Cătălin Băicuș, Cosmin Dolea, Claudiu Mihail, Ștefan Mirea,
Marian Politic, Anca-Maria Ghiţă, Eugen Titu, Cătălin Vieru
Costume Jacques Reynaud
Associate directors Charles Chemin, Tilman Hecker
Lighting designer John Torres, A.J. Weissbard
Lighting designer Rui Monteiro
Video projections Tomek Jeziorski
Music Adam Lenz
Sound designer Daniel Drăgoescu
Audio coordination Tom Brânduş
Dramaturgy Konrad Kuhn
Assistent director Bobi Pricop
Scenographer Adrian Damian
Asistant costume designer Adriana Dinulescu
Stage manager Gina Călinoiu
Laurenţiu Tudor
Technical director George Dulămea
Lighing operator Dodu Ispas
Sound operator Valentin Pârlogea
George Udrea
Prompter Bogdana Dumitriu
Stage assistant Crista Bîlciu
Dramaturgy assistant Luiza Mitu
Video projection: Florin Chirea
Editing team:
Editor – Nicolae Coande
Translations: Lia Boangiu, Luiza Mitu
Costel Miu, Cristi Petec, Alin Stan, Marian Camen, Nicu Guran, Robert Deca, Fane Rotaru, Toma Stratonie, Mihai Nărămzoiu, Toni Cojocaru
Stage property:
Nelu Păşescu, Nina Răducanu, Marieta Mierlă, Sandu Cotea, Tavi Popescu
Lavinia Petec, Elena Cotea, Mirela Nicolae, Mariana Săceanu
Ştefăniţă Rezeanu, Vilică Ruiu, Radu Săndulescu
Make up:
Minela Popa, Mihaela Guran, Oana-Veronica Popa, Anca-Maria Ghiţă, Costinela Ungureanu, Adrian-Cristian Ţîrcă