INHALE is a cultural platform where artists are presented, where great projects are given credit and readers find inspiration. Think about Inhale as if it were a map: we can help you discover which are the must-see events all over the world, what is happening now in the artistic and cultural world as well as guide you through the latest designers’ products. Inhale interconnects domains that you are interested in, so that you will know all the events, places, galleries, studios that are a must-see. We have a 360 degree overview on art and culture and a passion to share.

Melitta Baumeister is a german fashion designer based in New York City. She recently received a MFA degree in Fashion Design and Society at Parsons and her graduation collection has been shown at New York Fashion Week. Baumeister focuses on new materiality, while her work merges fashion, objects, sculpture and installation. Take a look at her beautiful works!
“Applying techniques from sculpture, architecture, and fine art, materiality becomes the conceptual core of my process. Casting a garment in one continuous layer of silicone questions conventional methods, which focuses on the development of the garment. This specific technique entails a shift of shape-defining factors. Shape is no longer determined through the interplay of fabric and pattern, but by the mold into which it is cast. The mold becomes the blueprint of a form and captures the essence of a garment without itself being the thing it emulates. The mold with its capability for endless repetition, then becomes a metaphor for the repetitiveness of the fashion industry itself.”