INHALE is a cultural platform where artists are presented, where great projects are given credit and readers find inspiration. Think about Inhale as if it were a map: we can help you discover which are the must-see events all over the world, what is happening now in the artistic and cultural world as well as guide you through the latest designers’ products. Inhale interconnects domains that you are interested in, so that you will know all the events, places, galleries, studios that are a must-see. We have a 360 degree overview on art and culture and a passion to share.

Mathieu Le Sourd, a.k.a maotik, is a multimedia artist and interactive experience creator based in Montreal. Freshly graduated from London College of Arts in 2003, He completes a Master’s degree in Digital Arts in the IUA university of Barcelona. His passion for music and digital art leads him to the creation of audio reactive, motion control and real-time audio-visual systems.
Fraction is Eric Raynaud, a french electronic music producer and sound plastician currently living in Paris (France). After a 10 years carrier as an indie rock band leader, he ditched in his guitar and her pedal distortion while living in Boston (USA) for a laptop and his virtual tools then began kicking out the jams in 2005 under the name of FRACTION.
“In the field of science and technology that built the Western world there are only machines which accelerates. Whoever invents a machine to slow down will be considered as an absurd man” Paul Virilio, 1991
Dromos is an allegory of the “Dromology concept” as developed by French philosopher and architect Paul Virilio so as to explore the meaning of today’s world. As he becomes aware of the essential part that Speed plays in the organization of our societies and territories, and of its ongoing acceleration, he predicts an “integral” accident.
When increasing the speed, you augment impatience.
Dromos – An immersive performance by Fraction & Maotik from fraction on Vimeo.
Dromos is a metaphoric AV Performance that takes its concept from the philosophical work of P. Virilo who is mostly known for founding the idea of Dromology (science of speed). Dromos invites audience to a criticism experience of the ’peed’ role that impacts all aspects of our daily lives. During 40mns, it focuses people attention on this essential factor that shapes our world. With its message, Dromos invites you to wonder about your relationship with progress. It’s an unconventional work with an original sensorial approach, placing the audience inside an immersive environment.