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Rabouan Moussion Gallery goes on exploring emergent cultures with the debut solo exhibition in France of Azerbaijani artist Farid Rasulov, after its success at the 55th Venice Biennale.
He will present an installation taking place all over, covering the space from floor to ceiling with traditional Azerbaijani carpet. The place is transformed by arabesques and moucharabiehs becoming the subject, the work itself. The destination of an ornament, whether carved or painted, is to beautify an object. Through this installation, Farid Rasulov questions the notion of white cube so dear to contemporary art and transforms, by repeating the same lines and curves, its stripped austerity.
The role of the fabric here is not to maintain the functional but to be there to confront West and East.
These traditional patterns – motivus means «what moves» in Latin – are the signs of a changing country: a region of Soviet Union dissolved, torn between tradition and modernity, East and West.
This work backs on a conceptual nakedness, yet neither rational nor useful. The total composition ornament multiplies the signs of an ancient tradition to transform the meaning and destination. The space becomes an extreme variation of the present staked by an ancestral material composition, which is at the same time useful and symbolic. The meaning escapes by the multiplicity and operates a cultural transfer: the extent of weaving causes alienation of the meaning. The sensory experience plunges the viewer into a particular universe, which still remains to be discovered.