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There isn’t much room for shadows these days, at least in contemporary music. Issues like loss, addiction, and mental illness appear, for the most part, to be subjects relegated to the post-punk Goth-rock bands of the early ’80s and the bygone pillars of the ’90s grunge revolution. For Jeremy Dawson and Ariel Levitan, however, it was the shadows that brought them together— even their name stands for “Me and My Shadow.” Though often and regretfully referred to as “funeral pop,” the music created by MXMS is rarely confined to the darker side of the human experience. Their music frequently swells from lush yet painfully intimate lows to rousing and inspirational cinematic highs, demanding to be mined for a transformative film montage.
Best known as the Grammy-nominated co-founder of Shiny Toy Guns, multi-instrumentalist Jeremy Dawson—imposing, with raven-colored bangs obscuring his hawk-like angular features—carries himself with the quiet confidence of a battle weary Tolkien Ranger. Vocalist Ariel Levitan evokes a young Alison Mosshart, coupled with the surging all-eyes-on-me effortlessness of Angelina Jolie’s haunting and seductive portrayal of troubled top model Gia Carangi. The duo relishes straddling the fine line between light and dark—as well as navigating, and often deliberately disrupting, the fault line between their fierce desires both to shun industry norms, and to share their music with the world. Currently, MXMS has released only one track to the public, “omg,” a song recorded only moments after the two met in a shared studio/workspace in LA. The song is catchy, beautiful, and shockingly personal.
Read a full interview in the Interview Magazine.