INHALE is a cultural platform where artists are presented, where great projects are given credit and readers find inspiration. Think about Inhale as if it were a map: we can help you discover which are the must-see events all over the world, what is happening now in the artistic and cultural world as well as guide you through the latest designers’ products. Inhale interconnects domains that you are interested in, so that you will know all the events, places, galleries, studios that are a must-see. We have a 360 degree overview on art and culture and a passion to share.

Studio Thier&VanDaalen was founded in June 2011. This Dutch & dynamic duo attended at the Dutch Design Week 2011 and launched their Studio. Both graduated in 2010 in different directions at the Design Academy in Eindhoven. Therefore their approach to design is totally different. Where Ruben works at the technical side of design where feasibility and the knowledge of material are important, is Iris almost at the opposite side. Not pragmatic, but with Iris it is about styling, intuition and a fashionable point of view. This results in a strong combination.
‘Rational versus intuitive, yet fresh ideas constantly appear.’
They are fascinated to design new materials and treatments for interior applications. As well, they like to reuse existing objects or materials to give them a second life.
‘We love to explore the border between art and design.’
Jewellery of Hair
You can do a lot with hair; this gives us a changing identity and status. Fascinated by the fact that hair is your own produced material, Iris searched and experimented with hair, until she got in perfectly in control. She can use it as a strong material to build and form with.
‘Hair is stubborn, it goes always her own way. It is messy and magnificent at the same time.’
Translucent Mirror – Open Mirror
The mirror is mounted on the wall as a contemporary niche. The bright blue mist projected on the angled plane create an effect of depth. In the resulting space, you can place an object.
Round Square
When blowing soap bubbles in the air Iris & Ruben had the dream to capture these temporary beauties in a tendril frame. The fascinating effect of a floating bubble which adapt to its surrounding until it snaps, was the inspiration for a new series of objects in glass combined with wood by Studio Thier&VanDaalen.