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10 years, 5 months ago
Diller Scofidio + Renfro at Fondation Cartier
Filled under: Front Page, Visual arts
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Photo Anders Sune Berg

To commemorate its 30th anniversary, the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain presents two exceptional projects.

Musings on a Glass Box
Diller Scofidio + Renfro
In collaboration with David Lang and Jody Elff
October 25, 2014 to February 22, 2015

From October 25, 2014 to February 22, 2015, the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain will continue to commemorate its 30th anniversary with Musings on a Glass Box, a new installation created especially for the occasion by the internationally acclaimed interdisciplinary design studio Diller Scofidio + Renfro. The Fondation Cartier building designed by Jean Nouvel will be used as raw material for their work, a first in the history of the institution. Musings on a Glass Box is a complex work occupying the entire ground floor of the Fondation Cartier, where a disturbance in the ceiling will trigger a surprising reaction. The result is an immersive environment, including an integral acoustic component by American composer David Lang and sound designer Jody Elff, that works with the building’s architecture to raise questions about transparency, perception, and one’s relation to space.

photo Diller Dcofidio + Renfro

photo Diller Dcofidio + Renfro

Musings on a Glass Box
« Jean Nouvel’s distinctive glass exhibition spaces in the Fondation Cartier have been a provocation to artists and curators for two decades, upending the conventions of the white box gallery and pushing the limits of architecture. The large, transparent walls of the building were at the forefront of glass technology in the ‘90s, aspiring to one of Modernism’s highest goals: to dematerialize the wall and seamlessly connect interior to exterior.

Musings on a Glass Box empties the ground floor galleries in order to put them on display. Their visual and acoustic qualities are heightened through a few strategically placed interventions in the building’s plumbing, electrical, and facade systems. Using a cliché of time lapsed and the appearance of neglect, the project begins with a single, mischievous leak from the ceiling. A response ensues with the aid of a bucket, a chorus, sensors, robotics, remote communications, video, and real-time sound processing. The two ground floor galleries interconnect in a feedback loop. Small gestures in the large gallery are amplified in the smaller one, making the familiar seem uncanny and turning the banal into the grotesque. »




Diller Scofidio + Renfro


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