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”Filippo Minelli started the ongoing series Silence/Shapes in 2009 to give a physical shape to silence.
As medium to realize his idea he chose chemicals used to create smokebombs and to juxtapose them with the romantic idea of beauty of the natural landscapes.
In the works of the series ‘Silence/Shapes’, commenced in 2009, the artistic research of Filippo Minelli has reached a high degree of synthesis and concentration that combines mastery of the aesthetic codes with language awareness and the ability to express complex content in a mediated way, through a dialectical perspective in permanent balance between transparency and opacity.
Starting from the observation on a purely descriptive level, these photographic artworks present themselves as natural landscapes or industrial archaeology in which we see “exploded” and spreading coloured smoke substances, jarring both thematically and visually with the context and the setting. There is no fortuity, nor documentary intent, but everything is built and composed with extreme attention given to formal and technical qualities.
The reading levels are varied: the one by Minelli is an art of stratified density which does not give up either the aesthetic message, or the transmission of conceptual meanings, multiple, multifaceted and intersecting each other.”
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